A washing trommel for the MShR 3.6x4.0 ball mill was shipped to the address of our customer, Bogolyubovskoe Company. |
Last week rubber lining sets for mills MShR 2,1×2,2 were sent to a gold-mining company in Buryatia. |
«Dominanta Mining» quickly responds to any requests from the companies engaged in all kinds of mining activities. Today, the enterprises mining placer gold deposits are active as preparation to the start of the washing season is underway. |
«Dominanta Mining» shipped two crushing cones to a client in Irkutsk Region. |
Our company shipped spare parts and drilling tools for the drilling machine SBR-160 owned by a colliery in Siberia. |
Last week «Dominanta Mining» shipped spare parts for the crushing and screening complex owned by a construction company in Irkutsk Region. |
«Dominanta Mining» shipped another lot of drilling tools and spare parts for the drilling machine BU-20-2AM to a gold mining company in Amur Region. |
In the first fortnight of December, «Dominanta Mining» shipped the spare parts for crushing and screening complex with sand dedusting — DSU-200. |
The range circle-throw vibrating screen GIS-32 (SMD-225) was shipped to a crushing-and-screening enterprise in Voronezh Region. |
Last week the bed plate 106930300000 was shipped for the DRO-693 jaw crusher. The cargo was delivered by JSC SibRocket Transport Company to the plant in Krasnoyarsk region. |